



I’ve learned to consciously enjoy the challenging moments of life.

Not one to be easily daunted, Kathy’s experience as a young immigrant and cycling enthusiast informs her approach to life and leadership today.



Growing up in my Korean American family was very entrepreneurial! My siblings and I poured our creativity and persistence into convincing our parents that school dances were part of a totally normal American experience.


Cycling is all about mental endurance. Just when you think you can’t push any more, you realize you do have more, and that you are so much stronger than you thought!


I appreciate that everyone can be their authentic selves, and be celebrated here. There is no one personality or background that represents VMG, and so it really feels like a melting pot.


Let’s start with your childhood. Can you share a formative experience that has made you who you are today?

This might be the nerdiest fact about me: in high school I was the drum major of the marching band (imagine some 300teenagers running around the football field with various shiny instruments).That experience taught me so many leadership principles I still draw on today. Inspiring your peers rather than instructing, instilling a sense of community built on common values, celebrating wins as often as recognizing shortcomings…I could go on and on!


And can you tell us what it was like to grow up in your family?

My family and I immigrated to the U.S. when I was nine years old, without knowing anyone in this country nor much English. In that sense, growing up in my family was very entrepreneurial! We learned to cook turkey (Korean barbecue style), and my siblings and I poured our creativity and persistence into convincing our parents that school dances were part of a totally normal American experience. It took awhile, but we’ve come to embrace our unique Asian-American experience and be proud of who we are.


Shifting gears (no pun intended)...you’re an avid cyclist. Why do you love it?

Endurance sports are incredible. Just when you think you can’t push any more, you realize you do have more, and that you are so much stronger than you thought! Cycling in particular has taught me to enjoy the moment, even in the toughest of times. Even when climbing a long, steep hill, you have to embrace the grueling stretch and stay with the pain.


In terms of work, what do you appreciate most about working at VMG?

I appreciate that everyone can be their authentic selves. Everyone’s individual hobbies, funny and endearing quirks and lives outside of work are all recognized and celebrated. There’s no one personality or background that represents VMG, so it really feels like a melting pot here.


What gets you most psyched about working with brands?

I love how much heart and passion our founders and all the people behind the brand pour into building it. A brand stands for so much more than the product or its functionality, and it’s humbling to work with people who breathe life and meaning into what the brand signifies to consumers.


Sounds like your nerdy drum major days really paid off.

Yes! I hope my old band director is reading this and smiling 😊

I love how much heart and passion entrepreneurs have for their brands. It’s humbling to work with people who breathe life and meaning into what a brand signifies to a consumer.

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