



Arizona instilled in me my love of the outdoors and the simple gratitude I feel for a sunny day.    

Most at home spending time outside with family or friends, Carter feels lucky that his parents taught him to focus on what’s important and always do his best.


I know I’m never going to break two hours in a marathon or drop 80 points in an NBA game, but wearing the same shoes as the legends I idolize gets me as close as I’ll ever be.


All in all, I grew up in a pretty great place. A long run is much more enjoyable in a 60-degree Arizona winter than a 20-degree New York winter, that’s for sure. 


I’m not exaggerating when I say that my mom is the most empathetic person I’ve ever met — she can barely watch a character in a TV show embarrass themselves without covering her eyes.

What’s the first brand you remember really connecting with?

Definitely Nike. I wore matching Jordan T-shirts and shorts in middle school and loved everything about the brand. As a young kid who idolized the athletes I saw on TV, wearing Nike made me feel closer to my favorite players, and it’s still true today. I get the same feeling while lacing up my Nike Vaporflys, imagining what it’s like to be Eliud Kipchoge, that I got with my Kobes back in the day. 

And did the place where you grew up make an impact on you?

It’s funny, until I moved out of the Southwest I would have said no. I had a great time in New York, but the ability to go outside and explore the beautiful desert and mountains almost year-round is tough to beat and certainly has impacted the way I enjoy spending free time. A long run is much more enjoyable in a 60-degree Arizona winter than a 20-degree New York winter, that’s for sure.    

I can imagine. Describe what it was like to grow up in your family.

When I think about my family, I can’t help but feel lucky. With my dad traveling half the year, there was a lot on my mom’s plate, but she made it seem effortless. We were encouraged to “get the grades we were capable of” and my parents were there to drive us to any practice or game as long as we tried our best. Overall, my parents provided a balance of love, guidance, and structure that has made me into the person I am today. For that I am and always will be grateful.

Looking back, who in your life has had the strongest influence on you?

My mom, no doubt. She’s intelligent, disciplined, and the most empathetic person I have ever met. From her I learned to love those closest to you and remind them of it often, that action is more powerful than words. She’s always there for me and I couldn’t love her more.

Jumping to the present…what’s your favorite way to spend a Saturday?

Spending time outside with family or friends. Add some good food and laughter and it’s a pretty great day. Delicious food, especially when cooked by someone you care about, along with good conversation is a pretty unbeatable pairing and one I won’t ever tire of.

Almost as unbeatable as matching Jordan tees and shorts?

Not quite, but close.

I’m so glad I learned that the freedom to do what you want comes from having the discipline to do what needs to be done.

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