



It’s incredible to work each day with brilliant people who push and motivate me to be the best I can be.


With a fun-loving nature and years of college basketball experience, Emily brings humor and focused commitment to her work as a director of talent. Here’s some of what ignites her passion each day.



I was born and raised in a suburb outside of Philadelphia (go Eagles!) and spent four years living in San Francisco, and I feel so lucky to be able to consider two amazing places, on opposite sides of the country, home.



Helping to introduce and connect great candidates to founders and teams, people who can help make a huge contribution in accomplishing company goals that ultimately lead to a successful exit, is one of the most rewarding parts of what I get to do each day — and it’s just a ton of fun!


You’re from PA, right?

I was born and raised in a suburb outside of Philadelphia (go Eagles!), and with the exception of four years spent living in San Francisco, where I found the most amazing family and home at VMG, I have spent my entire life living a short distance away from the town I grew up in. I feel so lucky to be able to consider two amazing places, on opposite sides of the country, home.


What were you like as a kid?

I asked my mom what she thought, and she said that I “burst into the world with a zest for life that is still evident to this day.” That my “curiosity propelled me into daily adventures with the central theme of fun and activity.” I always “provided many laughs with my constant happiness that radiated a hysterical sense of humor.”


Wow, your mom is super eloquent!

She is! And I think it’s a good representation.


Describe what it was like to grow up in your family.

My incredibly amazing and loving parents gave my siblings and me the support and runway to grow into the people we’ve become. Our family is super passionate about sports — our days and weekends were spent bouncing around from one practice or tournament to another. We were always in the crowd supporting one another and being each other’s biggest cheerleaders, and this passion propelled me into my career playing basketball at a collegiate level.


Amazing! Speaking of careers, what attracted you to working at VMG?

I remember vividly the moment I walked into VMG for my first interview…I immediately got a sense of how special this place is. The people, the culture and the energy is unmatched. It’s so incredible to get to work with such brilliant people every single daywho push me and motivate me to be the best I can be. My colleagues have quickly become my family and I couldn’t imagine a better place to work.


What gets you most psyched about working with brands at VMG?

Working in Talent, our team strives to be an extension of the teams in our portfolio. We help introduce and connect great candidates to those teams, people who can help make a huge contribution in accomplishing company goals that ultimately lead to a successful exit. It’s one of the most rewarding parts of what I get to do each day — and it’s just a ton of fun!


There’s that “zest for life”...

Ha! “Still evident to this day.” Thanks, mom ( :

Getting to work so intimately with the people behind the brands you love and hear the stories and the passion behind why they built their business…it’s magical.

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