


I’m always ready to listen to and help out a friend — or, if needed, to challenge them.

Born in England and raised in Kolkata, India, by way of Saudi Arabia and Texas, Indy has spent his life embracing challenges to reap the rewards of learning, growth, and personal achievement.


My hometown shaped many of my enduring loves, including street food (and traveling with my stomach), diving into books, and all things cricket (Ganguly! Knight Riders!)


Growing up across four countries, always adapting to new cultures and contexts, forged my work ethic and an ability to truly connect and collaborate with a wide range of people.


If my friends were feeling snarky, they’d describe me as “bald”; if they were feeling more generous, they’d describe me as “aerodynamic”; and after a scotch, they’d probably say I’m genuinely curious, always thoughtful, and intentional. 

Let’s start at the beginning. What place do you consider your hometown?

Kolkata, India, where I lived from 1990 to 2000. 

Did it have a strong influence on you?

Definitely. It shaped many of my enduring loves, from street food and traveling with my stomach to all things cricket: Ganguly! Knight Riders!

The San Francisco Unicorns!

Ahh…not quite in the same league. But it’s great that we have a team.

You said “we”...does that mean San Francisco feels like another hometown?

Definitely. I’ve lived in San Francisco for 15 years, and it’s actually been the inspiration and the backdrop for most of my life as I know it, including the birth and childhood of my two sons.

So you have a deep connection to two very different places.

Actually, there are many parallels between Kolkata and San Francisco, from celebrating the arts to having a deep history in shipping. And I’m grateful for how each has shaped me.

What was it like to grow up in your family?

It was difficult, but formative. My parents were prototypical immigrants, willing to move across continents for the incremental opportunity. That meant I grew up across four countries, always adapting to new cultures and contexts. But that journey, and the constant support of my older brother, forged my work ethic, and an ability to truly connect and collaborate with a wide range of people.

Speaking of people, how would your friends describe you?

“Bald” if they’re feeling snarky. “Aerodynamic” if they’re feeling more generous.

Sounds like a tough crowd. How about if they’re feeling…happy?

You mean, after a scotch? They’d probably describe me as genuinely curious, always thoughtful, and intentional. And always ready to listen and help a friend — or, if needed, to challenge them.

Now let’s get to business: what’s an aspect of working with brands that’s like second nature to you?

In helping scale Signifyd, I found that leaders at most brands and retailers are eager to lean on technology in their pursuit of excellence, but lack a trusted ecosystem to validate and prioritize their commerce infrastructure roadmap. So I tried to close that gap in different ways: making expert introductions, launching Signifyd’s ecosystem conference, even just hosting community dinners, all in support of knowledge sharing. I’m so excited that with VMG, I’ve joined a firm that’s dedicated to that same purpose.

Does this mean you’ll share all your cricket knowledge with us?

Only if you pledge allegiance to the Knight Riders.

I can trace all good things in my career to the intersection of ecosystem (knowledge + help) and effort. It’s great to be at a firm built around that same ethos.

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