



Always striving to do better for my VMG Family brings me joy.


From facing typhoon floods to scaling mountain to pledges, Ria’s experience staying undaunted in the face of challenges makes her a master office coordinator.



I grew up in the Philippines where there are numerous typhoons. Cars roll through 6–12 inches and pedestrians wade through thigh-highwaters. When I moved to the U.S., I chuckled at the reference to “three-inch floods.”



While taking in the beautiful view atop Old Rag Mountain, I received the best gift — a red-shouldered hawk mother and her young, flying just below the spot I was standing. It was an experience to behold.


Let’s take it back to your roots. What kind of community did you grow up in?

I grew up in the Philippines where the monsoon season brings numerous typhoons, and the perception is that if it’s not over waist level, it’s not a flood. Cars roll through 6–12 inches and pedestrians wade through thigh-high waters. When I moved to the U.S., I chuckled at the reference to “three-inch floods.”


I can see why! Are there brands you remember loving as a kid?

M&Ms! Though as a five-year-old growing up in Manila, I didn’t know how to read the ampersand symbol. So I read “M&Ms” as “M-M.” The nuns in school tried hopelessly to correct me with no success. “M-M” was my first chocolate love.


What about your first heroes?

My godmother was one. At a time when very few women drove their own vehicles, I thought that she was so cool and powerful when she glided in her beautiful car, fashionably dressed, her hair all teased up and wearing makeup that flattered her Castilian features. I got behind the wheel at age 17, and felt for the first time her sense of independence.

Speaking of independence, is there anything you look back on and think, “Wow. I did that.”

I never imagined that I would find myself atop Old Rag Mountain in Virginia on a ledge that was about twenty feet long and four feet wide. I had rock climbed to get there as the “second man” setting the protection rope. While taking in the beautiful view, I received the best gift —a red-shouldered hawk mother and her young, flying just below the spot I was standing. It was an experience to behold, but I wouldn’t want to do it again!


Shifting to VMG…what makes you look forward to going to work?

The work culture itself. I value the intelligent and open communication and the overwhelming air of “Okay, how can we fix this? ”when faced with any challenge. Consistent words of appreciation and encouragement come from everyone, and I mean everyone.


You are a master office coordinator. What do you think makes you so good at it?

I just strive to always do better for my VMG Family, and it brings me joy. Maybe that’s it?


Or maybe it’s your ability to cruise through floods.

True…I can take on any typhoon.

At VMG, I value the intelligent and open communication and overwhelming air of “Okay, how can we fix this?” when faced with any challenge.‍

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